The Works
Employment Agency
The Works Employment Agency is a social enterprise that will provide local employers with supervised workers for casual unskilled and semi-skilled work. It will hire workers, supervise them closely through a trauma-informed lens, and offer substantial supports to help them develop strong work habits and skills as they move through tiered employment levels with increasing responsibility.
The Works has already provided staffing services to River Stone Recovery Centre, King Street Pharmacy, Fredericton Public Library, and Clinic 554. We are in the process of applying for funding for staff to manage an expanded program and hope to be able to recruit more employers by the summer of 2024. If you are an employer who would like to talk about future opportunities to hire piece workers, please contact Tony at
People living with substance use disorder who have become stabilized through treatment and want to work have a high chance of success with the trauma-informed supports and gentle entry or re-entry into paid labour that The Works offers.
The Works understands the barriers to employment faced by this population. They may lack confidence, references, transportation and both hard and soft skills necessary for successful employment. Some just need a boost, and we anticipate they will be able to transition directly from The Works to outside employment once they have gained confidence, learned or re-learned habits necessary for employment, and developed positive job references. Others want to pursue training and skills development, but are not yet ready for the type offered through PETL, so The Works can support them to get ready.
If you would like to support this program now, you can make a donation to The Fredericton Public Library and ask for it to be earmarked for employing piece workers for deep cleaning. Donations can be made in person at the circulation desk, or by a cheque sent by snail mail. Tax receipts are available for any amount.